Creating a Technical Design and Plan for fetching data from Click stream sources and load into Amazon Red shift Database to make available for Analysis using Tableau.
Creating an ETL Job to access and retrieve data periodically using following Web services: Google Analytics API Google Adwords API Microsoft Bing Ad center
Complex XML Orders Processing
Creating an application for client to:
Designing and Developing a MySQL database for loading data from
XML files.
Process complex XML files to retrieve the data accurately and efficiently.
Deriving calculated fields as per requirements to be loaded to database.
Preparing multiple XML files from Large XML files and transferring them securely to downstream application.
Salesforce CRM Data Processing
Creating an application for client to:
Creating a Technical Design and Plan for fetching data Salesforce for multiple vendors.
Creating Talend ETL jobs to fetch data from Salesforce using Rest API, SOAP API and Manual Extraction to Excel.
Processing and cleaning the data retrieved and loading into Staging MSSQL Database.
Salesforce CRM Data Processing
Creating an application for client to:
Creating a Technical Design and Plan for fetching data Salesforce for multiple vendors.
Creating Talend ETL jobs to fetch data from Salesforce using Rest API, SOAP API and Manual Extraction to Excel.
Processing and cleaning the data retrieved and loading into Staging MSSQL Database.